DTA Proposes comprehensive strategy to address the abuse and overpopulation crisis in Paute, Ecuador.
As animal advocates committed to making the world a more peaceful place for humans and animals to coexist, we are pleased to see that Paute has taken a progressive step towards addressing companion animal abuse and the overpopulation crisis. The Ordinance that Regulates the Management of the Urban Fauna in the Cantón Paute (“the Ordinance”) adopted February 22, 2018 is hopeful in its attempt to address these issues by establishing licensing and sterilization requirements and outlining obligations and prohibited acts towards companion animals. However, as written, the Ordinance contains fundamental flaws, and will fail to achieve its intended purpose. To truly affect change, Paute must adopt a comprehensive, long-term strategy that is clearly defined and strictly enforced.
DTA’s Proposed Alternative for Paute
DTA’s Proposed Animal Protection Ordinance seeks to address the specific concerns echoed by animal and human health advocates in Paute. While it is based in large part on the ordinance currently in place in neighboring city Cuenca, it has been substantially revised to incorporate policy solutions that are reasonably achievable in this Canton and have proven to be effective in similar jurisdictions. This ordinance approaches the problem with a comprehensive strategy that includes:
Clearly defined obligations for companion animal guardians and service professionals, including registration, vaccinations and identification. There are also requirements for maintaining companion animals in public spaces. These restrictions are balanced by prohibitions and sanctions.
Aggressive sterilization programs that reduce the cost of services for both strays and animals under the care of a guardian.
Practical enforcement mechanisms to ensure proper application of the law. This will be accomplished by a specialized Animal Enforcement Warden, employed by the Municipal Police Department and financed through collected fines. The Warden’s responsibilities will include conducting inspections of markets, investigating allegations of companion animal mistreatment, and administering sanctions.
Educational programs aimed at increasing public knowledge and understanding of the law and related policies concerning sterilization, adoption and reporting animal abuse. Campaigns are to be designed and implemented by the Animal Welfare Enforcement Warden in coordination with individual organizations.
Strict licensing and registration requirements to protect public health and safety. This registration and identification of animals imposes vaccination and control requirements on owners that will safeguard the public.
Read DTA’s public letter to Paute’s municipal government officials here.